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Recovery is Possible: A Mental Health Podcast – Better Together

Imagine walking into a room full of strangers. Someone approaches you and begins to share their story of why they are also in the room, and suddenly you feel you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

We strive to create a culture of inclusion, sharing and caring. Hear our conversation with Karen Young, CEO and President of United Way Calgary and Area and Laureen MacNeil, Executive Director of CMHA Calgary, as they invite us to learn about why social connection is so important towards becoming the best versions of ourselves and how it can contribute to stronger communities, together. By tuning in, you will also learn about our contest on how you #Turni2We for a grand prize announced in January!

Banff Park Lodge Hotel
Stress Case Self-Care Kit 
United Way Calgary and Area 
Forbes, Can I Die From Loneliness?
QuickBite News